Starting Pymote

Pymote features interactive console based on IPython and simulation GUI.


Pymote console and GUI

Interactive console (IPython)

To use Pymote from the interactive console (IPython) start provided program ipymote with previously activated virtual environment:

> ipymote


If virtualenv is used make sure that virtual environment is activated (linux, windows) and if WinPython is used then run ipymote from WinPython Command Prompt.

Pymote can also be started by starting IPython directly and using dedicated pymote profile:

> ipython --profile=pymote


Pymote profile files should be present inside pymote_env/.ipython/profile_pymote/ or ~/.ipython/profile_pymote/ file created during Pymote installation.

Simulation GUI

Pymote features simulation GUI which can be started as standalone application using pymote-simgui (in Windows pymote-simgui.exe).


If pymote is installed in virtual environment then pymote-simgui starts inside this environment. When network pickle is opened in simulator all algorithms this network is referencing must be importable from virtual environment. The easy and proper way to ensure that the algorithms are importable is to use bootstrap algorithms package that can be found in pymote-algorithms-bootstrap and follow the instructions found there.

Simulation GUI running from the interactive console

Very convenient way of starting and working with the GUI is from the interactive console by running like this:

In [1]: %run path/to/pymote/gui/

The gui event loop is separated from the console. Simulation window can be accessed by using simgui and network in the simulator window by using so all simulation objects (network, nodes, messages…) are fully inspectable and usable via console.